Solution Overview

Selecting a location to install turbines somewhere in the vast sea is important as it affects the amount of power generation. However, many measuring instruments cannot be installed due to their high cost and because the data needed to select the right locations are limited. Offshore Wind Assessment (OWA) performs remote offshore wind speed estimation and monitoring in meters per second (m/s) over a wide body of water. Since OWA can capture wind speed and the sea surface in high resolution, it is possible to regularly monitor and understand the effects of the topography and offshore wind power generation. Additionally, OWA can provide useful data for selecting suitable locations for offshore wind farms.

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Advantages and Benefits

  • Improved selection accuracy for offshore wind farms
  • Can acquire information from real-life phenomena over a wide area
  • High resolution
  • Understands the impact of topography and offshore wind power generation


  • Offshore wind power companies
  • Offshore wind management companies
  • Environmental assessment companies


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