Our Satellite: StriX

Synspective’s small SAR satellite technology originated from the ImPACT Program, a Japanese government-led R&D initiative.

Named after “Strix uralensis,” the scientific name of the owl, our 100kg class SAR satellites can consistently and reliably gather data, regardless of the time of day or weather conditions. The owl is known for its keen eyesight, and like its namesake, our StriX satellites can collect data with a ground resolution of 1-3m and a swath width of more than 10-30km.

We aim to build a constellation of 30 satellites by late 2020s. A constellation of 30 satellites in low Earth orbit would enable us to rapidly observe any part of our planet. For example, if a natural disaster occurs in any region of the world, within near real-time, we would be able to swiftly begin data collection targeting the area of interest.

More about ”StriX”

Solution-Driven Satellite Development

What sets us apart from others in this industry is that we not only generate SAR data through the operation of our satellites but also apply the data to develop targeted solutions that meet the specific needs of our customers and our society.

This means that satellite and solution development go hand-in-hand, and both are done with high agility to make progress toward our mission to build a resilient society through the innovative use of new data and technologies.

Global Monitoring System for Society’s Needs

As we continue to launch satellites and build our constellation, we seek to develop a global monitoring system that can persistently collect data and offer new perspectives on how we understand the planet and solve its biggest challenges.

Currently, we are in the process of developing and launching our second generation satellites, which will achieve daily monitoring and data extraction of any location in the world. Our third generation satellites will help complete our 30-satellite constellation, which will be able to continuously collate the data anywhere in the world on a daily basis.


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